EVP Female Voice: "Look a window"
Caught in the afternoon, on the main floor of the Mead Hotel. I am the only person in the building.
EVP Female Voice: "Get out of here, you big hooker"
Caught in the afternoon, on the main floor of the Mead Hotel. I am the only person in the building. Not everyone is gonna be a fan I guess?
EVP Male Voice: "There goes a wagon"
Caught in the afternoon, on the upper floor of the Mead Hotel. I am the only person in the building. This sounds like a residual EVP - a moment in time.
EVP Male Voice: "Broken ankle"
Caught in the afternoon, on the upper floor of the Besette House. I am the only person in the building. There is a strange mechanical-like emphasis in the word's pronunciation "bro-ken---an-kle". Either that or "Broke an ankle"?
EVP Voice: "Help"
Caught in the afternoon, on the upper floor of the Besette House. I am the only person in the building. Kinda sounds like an old lady? but I'm unsure.
Disembodied Laugh
EVP Voice: "Praise"
EVP Male Voice: "You hear that?"
EVP Male Voice: "Keep squeezing"
Get Touched
More Disembodied Laughter
Caught in the afternoon, on the main floor, by the kitchen area of the Mead Hotel. I am the only person in the building. There is a ton of activity going on in this little clip. It all starts with a phantom cackle. At 00:01, a voice says "praise" and after that a man chimes in "...you hear that?" At 00:05, a deep male voice says, "keep squeezing" --- this is when I felt something grab my right arm, followed by some more laughter at the end. This moment is very vivid for me. I know exactly where I was and I was scared. It's so awesome that the audio matches up with my bodies experience. Moments like this almost never happen.