EVP Male Voice: "No better place to have fun"
Caught on the upper floor of the brothel, while I was alone in the Madam's Room. Overwhelmed and super emotional, I had to separate myself from the others.
EVP Male Voice: "They don't care"
Caught on the upper floor of the brothel, while I was alone in Rm.11. I ask if I can take a photo of a painting, and a man intelligently responds.
EVP Male Voice: "A white man warned ya"
Caught on the main floor of the brothel, while Debi and I were in Rm.7. We were just starting the night, still waiting for the rest of our group to show up. There's a drawl in his voice that I really enjoy. This was, in fact, my first EVP of the night.
EVP Male Voice: "So milky"
Caught on the main floor of the brothel, while I was alone by the back staircase. I had just gotten up feeling very panicked. At that moment I felt the need to call my parents to see if they were alright. I did this away from the others. It had felt like someone just died, turns out my close friend Isaac had.
EVP Female Voice: "She's the one"
Caught in the basement of the brothel, while it was just us two ladies. We had just abruptly finished our ghost box session. Being an empath, I could feel the anger they had towards the device. It was scaring me, so I begged Debi to turn it off. This was caught directly after the noise stopped.
EVP Male Voice: "You two, get out"
Caught in the basement of the brothel, while it was just us two ladies. We had just come down and were at the base of the stairs, when Debi's IR light died. We could both feel the presence of a man - 1000%. I have captured this man's voice on more than one occasion. I believe he guards the basement.
DEV Male Voice: "C'mon...."
Caught in the basement of the brothel, while it was just us two ladies. We had just come down and were at the base of the stairs. I could actually feel the words in my ear, hence mine and my bodies reaction to him. Debi's IR light died right after this. I believe this to be the same male that guards the basement.
EVP Male Voice: "Alice"
Caught on the upper floor of the brothel, while I was sleeping in the Madam's Room. I was alone. I have been called this name often in the Dumas. I believe it's a possible window into one of my past lives. This would explain my obsession with the brothel and the close friendship I instantly developed with the owner.
EVP Voice: "God help her"
Caught on the upper floor of the brothel, while I was sleeping in the Madam's Room. I was alone. I believe the voice is a woman?
ITC Song
Caught in the basement of the brothel, while it was just us two ladies. It was the witching hour so we decided to do a ghost box session in the creepy basement. Half-way through the session the device seemed to get "stuck" on this song. This is just the clearest portion of a larger clip, the song continued. Some of the lyrics sound like"...follow the young fool..." Thoughts?