EVP Voice: "We wanna talk to Robyn Condon"
Caught on May 30th, 2018, on the main floor of the brothel, while I was sleeping in Rm. 7. This is the BEST EVP I have ever captured. Both my first and last name?! It means so much for them to not only know who I am, but want to talk to me. This building has always felt like home. Gives me chills every time I listen.
EVP Male Voice: "Is he your boyfriend?"
Caught on May 28th, 2018, on the upper level of the brothel. I was with a local guy named Jones, and it was just the two of us. At this exact moment I thought I saw the face of a man directly in front of me. No, Jones is not my boyfriend. Ha.
EVP Male Voice: "Gotta keep her here"
Caught on May 29th, 2018, on the upper level of the brothel, in the Madam's Room. Jones and I were in the sitting area and were the only two people in the building. The voice happens first - after that you can hear me mentioning my bodies reaction, "Ew, I just got shivers, like everywhere". You should always tag the way your body reacts to an environment on your audio, because it might just verify what you are experiencing after the fact.
EVP Voice: "Give it to the female"
Caught on May 29th, 2018, on the upper level of the brothel, in the Madam's Room. Jones and I were sitting on the bed.
EVP Male Voice: "Robyn"
Caught on May 30th, 2018, on the main floor of the brothel, while I was sleeping alone in Rm.7. The strange part is the voice sounds just like my Dad.
EVP Male Voice: "I fucked her over"
EVP Female Voice: "Who?"
Caught on May 30th, 2018, on the main floor of the brothel, while I was sleeping alone in Rm.7. Sounds like a conversation between a man and a woman. The word "over" overlaps with the word "who" - so it might be hard to hear.
EVP Male Voice: "I need you, just fuckin' move in again"
Caught on May 29th, 2018, on the upper floor of the brothel, in the Madam's Room. I had just mentioned to Jones that I was feeling drained. Again?
Disembodied Footsteps
Caught on May 29th, 2018, while I was alone in the basement of the brothel. I was streaming a live video at the time. I couldn't see anyone in front of me, but could hear the footsteps walk right up to me. Needless to say, I was a little scared at this point. Sounds like a man in boots.
EVP Male Voice: "I don't give a fuck"
Caught on May 29th, 2018, on the upper floor of the brothel, in the Madam's Room. I had just mentioned feeling shivers.
EVP Female Voice: "Maybe with the flash will work"
Caught on May 29th, 2018, on the main floor of the brothel. I was alone in the office taking photos. Guess I was getting some tips on my photography.