EVP Female Voice: "Robyn's not going to sleep there"
Caught on the main level of the Dumas Brothel, alone in Rm. 7 at this time. The crazy part about this EVP is the statement the spirit makes is 100% true! That night we slept upstairs in the Madam's Room. Not in Rm. 7. They really do know it all.
EVP Voice: "12 minutes to get freaky, you stupid..."
Caught on the upper level of the brothel. You can hear what sounds like a deep female voice? The voice trails off, almost like it's muttering something.
Slapped in sleep by spirit
EVP Voice: "You're lucky"
Caught on the upper level of the brothel, while me and my Mom (yes, she comes with me to haunted brothels) were sleeping in the Madam's room. You can hear what sounds like a loud slap. Then you can hear me vocally react, while still sleeping, to being slapped. After my reaction, if you listen closely, you can hear an EVP of someone saying "You're lucky"? One of my favorite audio examples of physical interaction with a spirit.
EVP Male Voice: "Oh, sister I'll be here."
Caught in a room upstairs, while us 4 ladies were eating dinner. I know this isn't one of us, because I can't imagine any of us saying this.
EVP Male Voice: "I already know her"
Caught while in a room on the upper level of the brothel. While eating our dinner, I was looking out of the room and could feel a man staring at me. I know this feeling all to well, as it has become a familiar experience in this area. The man says, "I already know her" - right before I acknowledge his presence by saying, "Hello". This is a great example of me growing as a sensitive and becoming familiar with the energies that inhabit the Dumas over multiple visits.
EVP Male Voice: "Yeah. Yeah."
Caught while me and my mom were sleeping in the Madam's Room. We are the only people in the building at this time.
EVP Voice: "Holy Crap"
Caught on the main floor, while I was alone in Rm. 7. I think the voice is a female? This was the start to a flurry of activity.
EVP Female Voice: "Robyn"
Caught on the main floor, while I was alone in Rm. 7. The spirits in the building seem to call me Alice quite a bit, this is just one example. At the beginning I ask, "Who's Alice?" and towards the end I get a direct response. A woman responds by saying, "Robyn". You can also hear some talking in between. To me it sounds like, "We remember, you remember, c'mon..."
EVP Male Voice: "You're an animal"
Caught in a room upstairs, while us 4 ladies were eating dinner. No men were in the building.
EVP Whistle
Caught on the main floor in Rm. 7, just me and Kiya. I was complaining about a sharp pain in my temple mere seconds before this was caught.
EVP Female Voice: "We're looking to enter a human"
EVP Voice: "Robyn"
Caught on the upper level of the brothel, while the four of us were eating dinner in one of the rooms. The second voice is absolutely terrifying. The crazy part is I ended up blacking out, for a brief moment after this.
I Blackout/Get Jumped by Spirit
EVP Male Voice: "The man will be mad again"
EVP Male Voice: "Have a bath up here"
EVP Female Voice: "Go back"
EVP Female Voice: "Filthy whore"
EVP Growl
EVP Male Voice: "He did that"
Caught on the upper level of the brothel, while the four of us were eating dinner in one of the rooms. From 00:02 - 00:17 I don't recall of transpired. One minute I was eating with the other three ladies and a couple seconds later I came to in another room down the hall. There is constant talking throughout this duration, both by us and spirit, but there are a few voices that stand out. At 00:05, a man warns "the man will be mad again". At 00:09, the man suggests taking a bath. At 00:17, I snap out of my daze when the woman says, "go back". At 00:21, a nasty woman calls me a "filthy whore" on the way back to eat. At 00:32, there is a sound I can only describe as some sort of growl? Now fully aware and shocked about my short journey. Jen starts to question what just happened, and at 00:49, a male voice reveals "he did that". At 00:54, you can hear the static-like-laughter of a man. Perhaps the one who jumped me.
EVP Male Voice: "I can't take this"
Caught while me and my mom were sleeping in the Madam's Room. We are the only people in the building at this time.
EVP Female Voice: "Robyn is Alice"
EVP Male Voice: "Tell me about it"
EVP Deep Male Voice: "I don't give a fuck who you are"
Caught on the upper level of the brothel, while the four of us were eating dinner in one of the rooms. The first voice happens right away, calling me "Alice" yet again. At 00:02, the first male speaks. At 00:04, a deep male voice expresses how little he cares about who I may be. This clip demonstrates a conversation between spirits about my possible past life. Over the course of my experiences here; I believe that I may have been a prostitute called "Alice Black" who spent some of her lifetime working at The Dumas. This name has come up in another location where prostitution was prevalent - The Old Washoe Club in Virginia City, NV. Perhaps Alice Black was a traveling whore? The only actual person talking in this clip is my mother, at the very end, over the deep man's voice.
EVP Male Voice: "You're a bad person"
Caught on the upper level of the brothel, while the four of us were eating dinner in one of the rooms. Jenn is the female voice you hear at the beginning asking the spirit to perform for her. The building did not like Jenn at all, and quite frankly could see right though her.