EVP Female Voice: "That's too much"
Caught on the afternoon of September 10th, 2016, on the main floor of the brothel. There were four of us present: Micheal (the owner), Mariam, Debi and I. This was my first time in the building.
EVP Female Voice: "Robyn big slut"
EVP Female Voice: "That's disgusting"
EVP Female Voice: "Cum on her face"
Caught on the afternoon of September 10th, 2016, on the main floor of the brothel. There were four of us present. You can hear us talking in the background quietly, the female voices speak over us. It sounds like a bunch of woman talking about my lives sexual transgressions. At the very start of the clip, the first female shares her opinion of me. At 00:01, the second female chimes in, this ladies response seems to meld with the other two and is probably the hardest to hear. At 00:02, the third female adds a raunchy suggestion to the conversation. It all happens very quickly, and for most it might be hard to hear.
EVP Male Voice: "They're up here"
Caught on the afternoon of September 10th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. There were four of us present. You can hear us talking in the background quietly, the male voice speaks over us. Sounds like he's explaining where we are to someone else. But who?
EVP Female Voice: "She smirks"
Caught on the afternoon of September 10th, 2016, on the main floor of the brothel. There were four of us present. We were about to start the tour when Mariam started to tell us about the picture in Rm. 11. Initially, in this clip, I mention my eyes are watering and the voice comes after that. My bodies reaction to this moment is somewhat common place these days. I believe this reaction comes from my ability to channel spirit.
EVP Female Voice: "Have fun"
Caught on the afternoon of September 10th, 2016, on the main floor of the brothel. There were four of us present. We had just stepped into the building.
Strange Camera Noise
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. There were three of us present: Michael, Mariam and I. It sounds like someone using an old camera flash. I like to think they were capturing a very important moment in time, as this night was very special to me. We are talking while the noise happens.
EVP Male Voice: "None of the people come up here"
EVP Male Voice: "Kiss her"
EVP Male Voice: "But what is she learning?"
EVP Male Voice: "Hey..."
EVP Female Voice: "...Robyn"
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. There were three of us present. None of "us" are talking in this clip, but there is definitely a conversation going on between a few men and a lady. Voices happen in order, might be hard to hear some of them.
EVP Female Humming
Caught during the earlier hours of September 12th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. I was walking around the building by myself taking photos. Sounds like a woman humming seven faint notes.
DEV Female Sigh
Caught during the earlier hours of September 12th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. There were three of us present. This is not an EVP, but a Disembodied Voice (DEV), because I react to/hear it in real time. Michael is also talking in the background.
EVP Voice: "It hurts"
EVP Voice: "Shut up and dance"
Caught during the earlier hours of September 12th, 2016, on the upper floor of the brothel. There were three of us present. Can't tell the sex of either voice.