EVP Male Voice: "I'll go crazy Mama"
EVP Male Voice: "Don't go crazy Robyn"
Caught at night in the cemetery. There were four of us present: Malek, Jody, BJ and myself. BJ just thought he saw a figure holding a light. All four of us started to see unexplained lights off in the distance. I can't decide exactly which of these the voice is saying, but I can tell you it's none of us speaking.
EVP Male Voice: "Leave her"
Caught at night in the cemetery. There were four of us present. Got to love the crickets in the background.
EVP Male Voice: "Hi"
Caught at night in the cemetery. There were four of us present. I was just showing BJ a photo I had taken that seemed to show a male figure. The man looked old, bald with deep black caverns where his eyes should be. He also looked like he was crawling out of the grave. Maybe this is him?
EVP Male Voice: "What do you even see?"
EVP Female Voice: "The Universe"
Caught at night in the cemetery. There were four of us present. This is one of my absolute favorite audio clips. I find it poetic - considering we were standing in arguable the best place in the nation for star gazing. You can literally see the Universe above you. There is nothing like it.
EVP Female Voice: "That doesn't mean you won't be dirty"
Caught at night in the cemetery. There were four of us present. She whispers really quietly. Might have to play it a couple of times.