EVP Voice: "Take your time"
EVP Female Voice: "Help me"
Caught while Malek and I were in the basement of the Goldfield Hotel. I don't think the first voice is human. At 00:02, the female sounds incredibly sad. I feel lucky, they want me to be there. Telling me to take my time, rather than to get out. I was a welcome guest.
EVP Male Voice: "Lock it down Elizabeth"
EVP Female Voice: "Come in"
EVP Female Voice: "I'm in love."
Caught while Malek, Virginia, Dave and I were in the lobby, close to Rm. 109. The male voice is extremely faint and begins as soon as the track does. By the time he gets to the word "Elizabeth" you hear a loud woman talk over everything and say, "come in", it sounds more like a strange cough than it does words. At 00:03, the last female voice is also very faint. You might need headphones for this one.
EVP Female Voice: "Kill her"
Caught in Rm. 109, while I was all alone. I'm happy I didn't hear this at the time. I believe this is a residual imprint from a traumatic event.
EVP Female Voice: "Oh, wow"
Caught in Rm. 109, all four of us were there. This is Virginia introducing me to Elizabeth.This moment felt extremely surreal. The voice happens at the end.
EVP Male Voice: "Hell Yeah"
Caught while Malek and I were in the basement of the Hotel. They have these thick glass cubes at street level, and the desert sun had turned them purple. Having an intelligent response with distinct vocal tone is rare for EVP, this clip demonstrates this.
EVP Female Voice: "Yup"
EVP Male Voice: "Calvin"
Caught while Malek and I were in the basement of the Hotel. It's raining, so that's the water you hear. We had just turned down one of the pitch black corridors, when I saw a bright ball of light fly towards me. It was on my left side, about 6 feet high off the ground and it illuminated the wall as it zipped by. At 00:02, there is a woman who acknowledges that I did - in fact - see something with my eyes. I saw this same anomaly twice, so I told Malek to turn off his light so we could see it again. I yelled out, "I saw you" and pointed in the direction where the light come from. Malek says, "Who?" and that's when a man responds with "Calvin". I now feel I have identified who this man is/was. Calvin Cooper was a bartender who got shot in the face. I have more evidence to support my claims.
EVP Male Voice: "Do not pick up"
Caught while Malek and I were in the basement of the Hotel. It's raining in the background. Sounds like Calvin from the last clip.
DEV Male Voice: "Yeah, it sure is"
EVP Male Voice: "Get away from... the portal"
EVP Female Voice: "What do you think are in the walls?"
DEV Male Voice: "Go in"
Caught while Malek and I were in the basement of the Hotel. It's raining in the background. Water is an excellent conductor, which may explain why there is so much going on in this clip. Rumor has it, there is a portal located in the basement of the building. I believe that at this moment we are very close to this portal and that the water is facilitating the clarity of the strange voices we are hearing. This was the only area in the entire building where we started to actually hear people talking all around us. We were right beside the elevator, that's what I'm talking about when I say, "wow, so cool." At 00:03, a man responds to my comment with, "Yeah, it sure is". The only word my friend Malek utters this whole clip is, "yeah", when I ask him if he just heard that. At 00:14, a deep male voice says, "Get away from, the portal". At 00:17, a woman asks, "What do you think are in the walls?" At 00:24, we both hear a man say "Go in". Actually from 00:06 - 00:25 neither of us say a word. We sat trying to hear what was happening in our surroundings. There are more voices than this by the way.
EVP Female Voice: "Tag over"
Caught while Malek, Virginia, Dave and I were in the lobby. Virginia was just about to take us to Elizabeth's Room, for my first time. I believe this spirit was giving me some friendly investigative pointers. You should make sure to "tag over" your audio - it's true.
EVP Male Voice: "Sure"
Caught while Malek, Virginia, Dave and I were in the lobby. Virginia was just about to take us to Elizabeth's room, but before we got there she made sure to lay down some rules. One of them was no flash photography in Rm. 109. I mention I'm going to turn my flash off and an intelligent male spirit agrees, "sure".