EVP Male Voice: "I'm an old man"
Caught while Kim and I were taking a break in the lobby of the hotel. I believe this to be George Wingfield, the man who built the hotel. I've heard that he shows himself, mostly, as an old man. This is also by the infamous wing of Rm. 109.
EVP Male Voice: "...I'm standing in front of an angel"
Caught while Kim and I were in the basement of the hotel. Sound's like, "Man" or "And" is the first word, but I'm unsure. What follows after is clear to me. Everyone's always talking about how evil the place is. Not really. I always feel comfortable here. This might be why.
EVP Male Voices: "You're being such a baby"
Caught while Kim and I were in the lobby of the hotel. We came up quickly from the basement after Kim felt her back overheating. Sitting by the old piano we lifted up her shirt to check and saw nothing. Guess they all saw that too. My favorite part about this clip; is it sounds like two voices. One spirit starts with, "You're being such a..." and the other spirit finishes the statement with "...baby." Can you hear that too?
EVP Male Voice: "Paranormal"
Caught in one of the staircases to the basement and it happened as soon as we came to the bottom of the staircase. They know everything we set out to do.
EVP Male Voice: "There are thing that can hurt you here in this place"
Caught right after our downtime, in the lobby of the hotel. We got up to make a quick live video on the way to the hotel's most infamous wing. As we came to the threshold of that hallway that leads to Elizabeth's room the K2 started to go off like crazy. That's when we caught this. Fitting area for a warning.
EVP Male Voice: "Pain"
Caught in the basement room with the tunnel entrance that has since been sealed. First you can hear my Ghost Radar AP say, "PAIN". I repeat the word with worry, staring at a sledge hammer on the ground in front of me. That's when you can hear a male say, "pain". People always criticize me for using Ghost Radar during my investigations, but to each their own. I really enjoy using it. More than the Ovulis. I get a fair amount of hits. This is just one of them.
EVP Male Voice: "Cannot see"
Caught in the basement of the Goldfield, back where the showers used to be. I ask, "Do you guys know what this is?" My Ghost Radar says, "BLIND" and directly after that you can hear a man say "Cannot see". I just wanted to give another example where the Ghost Radar worked for me. Same night even.
EVP Male Voice: "Heard you comin'"
Caught in the basement, just me and Kim. We had only been down there for about 6 minutes when my camera started to malfunction, that's when this was captured. I believe we were pretty scared at this point, around 3am. I like this one because you can hear his ole country twang. His dialect speaks volumes. It even sounds like there might be a "Shoulda..." right before it all. "Shoulda heard you comin.'"
EVP Female Voice: "Am I dead?"
Caught in the lobby of the hotel with Kim. It happens quickly and she sounds like she's underwater. This one makes me feel sad.
EVP Voice: "She heard me"
Caught on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just Kim and I. Close to the largest room with the only balcony. I used to think it was a female, but now I lean towards male. What do you think?
EVP Female Voice: "Men love you"
Caught while Kim and I were in the hallway, just outside Rm. 109. I had just said to Kim, that I thought I had heard a man's voice. A couple minutes after this voice was captured we both started to smell that "old blood" that we had initially smelt inside Rm. 109.
DEV Voice: "You outta be proud of yourself, Robyn Condon"
Caught on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just Kim and I. We were in Virgnia's Room. The first part of this is extremely clear. I tag my audio over the end of the sentence, unfortunately, but every good investigator tags their audio.
EVP Male Voice: "Maybe"
EVP Male Voice: "Pig"
Caught on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just Kim and I. We were in the hallway by the main staircase, when we started to see shadows along the walls. One shadow I saw was peaking out of a doorway to one of the rooms. So I asked it do it again. This guy was, obviously, not impressed by my requests.
Short Black Shadow
Cocking of a Pistol
Caught on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just Kim and I. We were in the hallway by the main staircase, when we started to see shadows along the walls. The clip starts with me complaining about a lower back pain, that I had felt in different areas of the hotel that night. The sensation was like someone was severing the lower area of my spinal column. It hurt so bad that I would have to stop investigating and breathe through the pain. At 00:13, there is a strange sound that startles me. Only, I didn't hear the sound. I saw a short black shadow figure dart in front of me, that Kim confirms seeing. At 00:19, there is the sound of someone cocking a pistol? This sound is also unexplained.
EVP Male Voice: "Robyn, do you want to go in the tunnels?"
Caught in the basement, while Kim and I were in the room where the brick was thrown on the Ghost Adventures documentary. There are lots of underground tunnels in Goldfield, being a mining town and all.
EVP Voice: "Yesssssss"
Caught in the basement, just me and Kim. We were at the T-intersection by the - now covered - entrance to the tunnels. I had stopped dead in my tracks, like a deer in headlights, we were in the presence of something. At 00:05, the voice confirms it. As soon as the voice happens both of our bodies get covered in goosebumps. Goosebumps are a common bodily reaction to the presence of spirit. This voice sounds inhuman to me.
Playing Piano
Sound of Chains
Caught on the main floor, in the very back of the hallway that leads to Rm.109. There were four of us present: Jeri, Steve, Kim and I. I started to tell the group one of my many stories about the last time I was in the building with Virginia.At 00:17, you can also hear the sound of chains, which fits in with the story of Elizabeth and George Wingfield. I have many examples of this chain sound, over my last three visits to the Goldfield. I have only captured the chain sound in this area of the Hotel. At 00:27, you can hear the sound of a piano playing. It's timing almost adds a dramatic flare to the end of my story. There is a piano on the opposite side of the building, but all of us were together in the hallway when it happened.
EVP Male Voice: "Wait a minute"
Caught in the lobby of the hotel with Kim. Kim had started to feel a burning sensation on her back so we quickly left the basement to check it out.
EVP Male Voice: "Let's kill a little bird"
Caught on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just Kim and I, at around 2:30am. That's my voice at the end - I talk over the word "bird" - listen carefully its a soft whisper.