EVP Male Voice: "Wanna meet your mother"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, by Rm. 21. I was the only person in the whole building. No staff. No guests. The owners gave me the whole hotel, opening up all the "haunted" rooms for me to explore. Was amazing.
EVP Male Voice: "Can you help me remember?"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in the bathroom of Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building and I was getting ready for bed.
EVP Female Voice: "Innocent people"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm.17 - the room I had rented. I was the only person in the whole building. I believe this spirit is talking about the victims of the fire that burnt a large part of the original building to the ground. "People" is really quiet - so listen closely.
EVP Female Voice: "Ma ma"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in the bathroom of Rm.17. I was the only person in the whole building. Could possibly be a young child?
EVP Male Voice: "Leave our lodge"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. Guess someone didn't like me poking around. That's me at the end.
EVP Male Voice: "My neighbor"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. I left my recorder on while I was sleeping.
EVP Male Voice: "They will love it"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. At this time, I could hear footsteps in the main hallway.
EVP Female Voice: "I don't want to ruin her"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. I left my recorder on while I was sleeping. The funny part is, this sentence seems to come out of my snore, but it's not my voice.
EVP Female Voice: "Look away"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. I believe I was getting ready for bed, at this point.
DEV Child Screaming
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, while I was in Rm. 17. I was the only person in the whole building. This was the moment where I decided I was done investigating - I was scared. All I could hear was some child screaming from the hallways. This is only a short clip of the activity that persisted until I passed out. It's quite quiet in the beginning - just give it a bit. I heard this in real time, as you can hear me react - so it's considered a DEV or Disembodied Voice.