EVP Male Voice: "Awesome"
Caught on the third floor, on the west side of the 1912 Cell Block. There were four ladies present: Debi, Jess, Caitlyn and myself. We were walking down towards the dead end of the galley, when Caitlyn mentioned that there were no wardens around. This was the intelligent response.
EVP Male Voice: "I told her"
Caught on the third floor, on the west side of the 1912 Cell Block. There were four ladies present. We were in one of the cells, when I noticed my camera's batteries that were drained, were now fully restored. Having issues with electronic equipment is a common occurrence at the prison.
EVP Male Voice: "Boo"
EVP Male Voice: Laugh
Caught on the main floor of the 1912 Cell Block, by Turkey Pete's cell. There were four ladies present. I had just asked him why he sold the prison's turkeys. I think it's hilarious he's trying to scare us in such a stereotypical fashion. He was the only prisoner to ever have a funeral service inside the prison walls.
EVP Female Voice: "Ain't that the truth"
Caught in the Administration Building, while Mel was giving us the tour. We started talking about how surprisingly good-looking some of the prisoners were. Seems like this woman was on the same page.
EVP Female Voice: "I'm gonna show them how"
Caught in Maximum Security, while Mel was giving us the tour. The group had left the building and Mel was teaching me how to switch off the lights. We are talking in the background, but this lady - who seems eager to help with the lights - talks over all of us. Sounds like a cat in heat.
EVP Male Voice: "Let's shower"
Strange Metal Noise
Caught in West Siberia, while Mel was giving us the tour. I was standing right in front of the shower when this happened. You can hear us talking quietly in the background. The metal noise is so loud, yet no one reacted to it. This leads me to believe that this noise is also paranormal.
EVP Female Voice: Singing
Caught in the underground tunnels, while Sandy and I were trying to figure out how to turn off the lights. I've caught this lady singing many times.
EVP Female Voice: More Singing
Caught in the underground tunnels, while Sandy and I were trying to figure out the lighting. Another example of the singing lady.
EVP Voice: "You're a bitch"
Caught in the Death Tower, while Mel was giving us the tour. This was right around the time that Bonnie saw a shadow figure walk into a wall on the third floor.
Gun Shot
EVP Male Voice: "Let me out of this mess"
EVP Male Voice: "Balcony"
EVP Male Voice: "Yeah"
Caught on the second floor of the Death Tower. There were a few ladies present. In 1959, this is where Jerry Myles and Lee Smart supposedly took their lives. This was done with a shotgun during the last hours of the infamous riot. I wanted to know why they choose to stay there. At 00:02, you can hear the cocking of a pistol and than a single shot. At 00:08, a man with a raspy voice says, "let me out this mess" - I believe this to be Lee Smart. At 00:11, a deep male voice joins in. At 00:13, the same raspy voice can be heard once more saying "yeah" in the creepiest way possible. This is one of my best audio clips.