EVP Child's Voice: "Kittens"
Caught during the early hours of September 10th, 2016. Debi and I were wandering up and down the upper levels of the 1912 Cell Block. At 00:08, what sounds like a little girl say's "Kittens". She sings something directly after that. I made sure to include the conversation prior, as it relates to the EVP.
EVP Male Voice: "Robyn's an idiot"
EVP Male Voice: "She caught that"
Caught during the early hour s of September 10th, 2016. Debi and I were wandering up and down the upper levels of the 1912 Cell Block. I think it's hilarious that they know I'll find this later in the audio. At least that's the way I interpret this conversation my recorder overheard.
EVP Demonic Scream
Caught on September 10th, 2016, on the staircase of the Death Tower. There were three of us present: Dave, Debi and myself. Over my many visits, I have noticed that at around 6:30pm the tower becomes extremely active. I wanted to take some other people, to see if we would have another similar experience. At 00:06, there is a scream from something sounding tortured and otherworldly. This scream would every time I said the word "Jesus" during this session.
EVP Same Demonic Scream
Caught on September 10th, 2016, on the third floor of the Death Tower. There were three of us present. Another example of the scream, after I say "Jesus".
EVP Male Voice: "Hey... coming for your teeth"
Caught on September 10th, 2016, on the third floor of the Death Tower. There were three of us present. This is still around 6:30pm.
DEV Voice: "I think that bird just fell out of the sink"
EVP Same Voice: "She heard me"
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the third floor galley of the 1912 Cell Block. There were three of us present: Jill, Jay an myself. I had just made a comment about a dead bird that I found in a cell toilet. That's when I hear an intelligent response. At 00:05, the same prisoner announces that I heard them.
EVP Male Voice: "I like that there"
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the third floor galley of the 1912 Cell Block. There were three of us present. Our batteries started to drain right after this.
EVP Male Voice: "Come in. I confess. I like you"
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the third floor galley of the 1912 Cell Block. There were three of us present. This is one of my absolute favorite audio clips.
Strange Banging
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the third floor galley of the 1912 Cell Block. There were three of us present. We made it half way down the galley on the east side of the block, when we stopped dead in our tracks. This is just one example in a long series of unexplained noises we heard for the next few minutes. This happens quite frequently when walking this galley. I believe they are trying to distract people from reaching the last cell, Lee Smart's cell.
More Strange Activity
Caught on September 11th, 2016, on the third floor galley of the 1912 Cell Block. There were three of us present. We made it half way down the galley on the east side of the block, when we stopped dead in our tracks. This is the extended clip that includes the last audio track - just above this one. This was insane to experience. There is so much going on - banging, banging on command, voices, footsteps, growling - that I'll just let you listen for yourselves. We were scared.