EVP Male Voice: "What's the matter angel?"
Caught in the main hallway of Rm. 10, which is considered the most haunted room in the hotel. It was morning and I was the only person in the entire building. I had just noticed the overwhelming smell of cigars, that only seemed to permeate the hallway area.
Door Moves
Caught in the main hallway of Rm. 10, while I was by myself. This exact same activity was documented on an episode of Ghost Adventures.
EVP Female Voice: "You do not hear me"
Caught in Rm. 10, while with Bryan. I had met him at the bar and he was curious to come see my haunted room. At 00:02, you can hear the audio surge.
EVP Male Voice: "Comin'"
Caught in Rm. 10, while with Bryan. This voice sounds like the same male voice as the next clip.
EVP Male Voice: "Invalid"
Caught in Rm. 10, while with Bryan. When I hear this voice I picture an old, dusty cowboy. I don't think they enjoy the presence of men in the room. I believe this is the same voice as the clip before. They happened only seconds apart.