ITC Voice: "Morgan"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 25. A couple guys I had just met had rented the room, and asked me if I wanted to investigate it. We decided to do a Ghost Box Session with my SB7. One of the guys asks for a name, and at 00:03 he gets an intelligent response. I repeat the name directly after.
ITC Male Voice: "I'm Howard"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 25. Three of us were in the room. Another name from the SB7.
ITC Male Voice: "I did it"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 25. Three of us were in the room. Another response from the SB7.
EVP Male Voice: "Sleep"
ITC Male Voice: "I just float"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 25. Three of us were in the room. You can hear one of the guys I'm with ask about the spirit's intentions. These are two direct and intelligent responses to his question; one on the SB7 and the other as an EVP.
ITC Male Voice: "Friends"
Caught on the upper floor of the hotel, in Rm. 25. Three of us were in the room. We kept getting this word on the SB7.