EVP Female Voice: "She's pretty"
Caught in Rm.11 of the hotel, while by myself. I was asleep when this was happening. It sounds like a second voice follows with "wow".
EVP Male Voice: "____ wasn't fair"
Caught in Rm.11of the hotel, while by myself. They always sound like they're talking to one another. The first word is either "that" or "I".
Shadow Figure
EVP Male Voice: "Whoa"
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while by myself. I had been interviewed by Virgin Radio before I left for this trip. They had asked me to make a video that I could post up on my Facebook page. I rarely ever use video, but agreed to do it. I had been making a video for about 10 minutes when I started to feel off. The air in the room changed and you could tell something was about to happen. At 00:05, you can hear someone say "whoa" or "wow" to my previous remark, and YES, it is the most haunted room I've ever been in. At 00:14, you can hear weird popping sounds and I go dead silent. This was when I saw a shadow figure emerge from the wall by the water closet area and move towards the front door - right in between me and my laptop. I never posted the video on Facebook.
EVP Male Voice: "I'll hurt you"
Caught in Rm.11 of the hotel, while by myself. I had just got up to stop the video I was recording on my laptop, because too much was happening and I was scared. I had just seen a giant shadow walk out from a wall and into another one. I believe this is the shadows voice. I was done making videos for the night.
Disembodied Claps
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while sleeping by myself. I snore when I sleep, which is what you will hear at the beginning of this clip. After I saw a couple logs you hear two distinct claps. They seem to come from within the room. It's almost like a spirit did it to get me to stop snoring, and directly after it happens I stop.
EVP Male Voice: "You'll go poor"
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while by myself. I had just seen a giant shadow walk out from a wall and into another one. I was done investigating.
Disembodied Knocking
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while by myself. Just one example of the many odd noises I captured while sleeping that night.
EVP Male Voice: "Why you so loud?"
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while sleeping by myself. I'm sure this intelligent question pertains to my loud snoring.
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while by myself. I'm fast asleep. It almost sounds like a dresser drawer is being opened. Sounds like some whispering too?
EVP Scream
Caught in Rm. 11 of the hotel, while by myself. I had just asked if there were any spirits present. This was the response.