EVP Voice: "Yes"
Caught in the Poker Room, while it was just Ann and I. We get an intelligent response to my question. The voice sounds super creepy and possibly female?
EVP Male Voice: "Hey, why do you hate Nick?"
Caught upstairs, by the back entrance, while it was just Ann and I. No men were in the building. Nick was the new co-owner I had just met. He had stuffed the building with his antiquities. Initially, I was upset that the buildings energy had changed and I thought it was because of the antiques. I missed the hollow shell it had been before. This is what I believe the spirit is referencing. I'm like that sometimes with change. Nick and I are actually friends.
EVP Male Voice: "Turn around"
Disembodied Footsteps
Caught in the Poker Room, while it was just Ann and I. We were pretty scared at this point, because we were both aware of the presence in the room. Both of us are seated at the poker table. So, who's that walking around at the end of the clip?
EVP Male Voice: "El Papa Resguardo"
Caught in the Poker Room, while it was just Ann and I. This is such an amazing catch for so many reasons: #1 Neither one of us speak Spanish, #2 This means "The Pope", #3 We captured a man shortly after this was taken. He was standing behind me and he was wearing a large hat. Couple years after this, I met a woman at the Washoe's bar and she told me she used to live upstairs in the old apartments. One day she was walking up to the top floor and a man in a large hat passed her on the stairs. Instantly, she looked back to see the man, but he had vanished. She called him "the pastor". I believe this is all connected.
EVP Voice: "Robyn"
Caught in the Ballroom, while it was just Ann and I. Almost sounds like a child yelling?
EVP Voice: "Come in"
Caught in the Ballroom, while it was just Ann and I. Possibly a female? but I'm unsure.
EVP Female Voice: "You're crazy"
Caught upstairs, by the back entrance, while it was just Ann and I. When the spirits call you crazy....
EVP Male Voice: "Robyn is there"
Caught upstairs, outside the back entrance to the upper floors. Ann and I were scared and had decided to call it a night. "Robyn is" is a little muffled.
Disembodied Voice (DEV): Female Screams
Caught upstairs, outside the back entrance to the upper floors. Ann and I had decided to call it a night. As we were locking the upper part of the building, I started to hear screaming. The weird part is it sounded like it was coming from the direction of C Street and not from inside the haunted building at all. I thought it was a real woman being assaulted out front. Her screams were torturous - it sounded like someone was being murdered. Ann heard a couple of the screams, which are amplified here in this clip. I was completely terrified after hearing these screams and did not sleep well that night in the museum.
Smoke Portal
EVP Voice: "ch ch ch ch ch ch"
Disembodied Moan
Caught in the Ballroom, while it was just Ann and I. We were sitting quietly on some chairs against the wall and staring down the hallway towards the stairs. This is a great vantage point - you can see down the hallways, the whole ballroom and part of the poker room. First you will hear the "ch ch ch ch ch" sound that neither one of us is making, than I tell Ann to come see what I see. Directly down the hall, in the top left corner of the ceiling there was a cloud of dark smoke. The smoke was circling and seemed darker than the pitch black we were used to by now. At 00:08, you can hear a weird moan. It was at this moment I saw a dark figure crawl out of the swirling smoke, legs first. I was so startled, I had to look away for a brief moment. When I looked back I could see a creature made of smoke crawling towards us on the ceiling. Ann started to panic and I tried to calm her down.