EVP Male Voice: "C'mon Robyn Jean Dancing Queen"
Caught this in the Museum with friend and Tour Guide Bette. We were just getting our shit together to go upstairs. Looks like someone was urging us upstairs. I've been going to The Washoe Club for the last 5 years and their tour guide Carl has called me "Robyn Jean Dancing Queen" since I can remember. Looks like the nickname is gonna stick. I love this one.
EVP Cat Meow
Caught in the early morning, upstairs on the 3rd floor, while I was in the building by myself. Cool considering the mummified cat they have displayed down in the museum. They found it in the walls - I guess it was a common occurrence back in those days.
EVP Male Voice: "The white of her eyes"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs on the 3rd floor in the Red Room, while I was in the building by myself. Charmer....
EVP Male Voice: "I had a monkey"
Caught in the early morning, while I was in the building by myself. There is actually a story of a man who lived there and owned a pet monkey. The man worked with explosives for some mining company. One day the monkey got into the explosives and blew the back of the building sky high. It killed a number of people.
EVP Male Voice: "Robyn's in love with me"
Caught in the early morning, in the ballroom, while I was in the building by myself.
EVP Voice: "We love the Greek fool"
Caught in the early morning, in the ballroom, while I was in the building by myself. It's funny because I'm from a Greek family. Believe it's a female, but unsure.
EVP Voice: "Go on"
Caught in the early morning, in the ballroom, while I was in the building by myself. In response to me singing some Patsy Cline. Believe it's a female, but unsure.
EVP Male Voice: "That's insane"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs on the 3rd floor at the top of the stairs, while I was in the building by myself. The 3rd floor tends to be the more active floor.
ITC Female Voice: "I'm in trouble the devil's in the house"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs in the ballroom ,while I was in the building by myself. I decided to do a spirit box session and one lady kept coming through. It's a little hard to make out to the untrained ear, but she was hellbent on communicating. It's rare to catch a sentence this long on the SB7 and I have quite a few of them. She kept calling me the "little bitch". It's hard to hear these voices in real time. I think I know who this lady is and she should've known that.
EVP Male Voice: "Anything you say Canada"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs on the 3rd floor at the top of the stairs, while I was in the building by myself. I love that they know I'm from Canada.
Disembodied Female Voice (DEV): "Alice"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs by the Poker Room, while I was in the building by myself. This is a name I get called now at two different destinations; here and The Dumas Brothel. Both places are well known for housing prostitution. These two locations are also the only places where I have ever been "electrocuted". Being "electrocuted" is like a giant surge that goes through your whole body, you freeze, everything stiffens and you become completely immobile for a split second. It's a scary feeling that I personally don't enjoy. I always wonder if it has something to do with these places being part of a past life?
EVP Female Voice: "Robyn has the good stuff"
Caught around midnight, upstairs on the 3rd floor, just Bette and myself. We were in the hallway most consider to be a portal. I started to feel nauseous right after this voice was captured. I had to take a second and breathe through what I was feeling. We were both scared at this point.
EVP Female Voice: "Grab pieces of myself"
Strange Noise
Caught at night, upstairs on the 2nd floor, in the hallway that leads from the staircases to the Ballroom. Bette and I were the only ones in the building. We were on our way to the Ballroom to play some music for the spirits, when both of us started to small a sweet perfume. The smell followed us down the hall and into the Ballroom where it became overwhelming before disappearing completely. We never smelt it again for the duration of the night. This is not the first time I have encountered this smell. In 2014, we had a similar experience in the same area. There were four witnesses that time. Just after the voice you can hear a strange bubbling noise. I have heard this noise many times before, as well. I believe this is possibly the sound that's made when living people walk through spirit.
EVP Voice: "Sometimes I swear that that woman can hear me"
Caught in the early morning, on the staircase, while I was in the building by myself. You can hear me walking as I make my way to the 3rd floor. Sometimes I can hear them, but this one I didn't catch until after my audio review. I think it's a female talking, but I'm not completely sure?
DEV Male Voice: "You're going to make it far"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs by the Poker Room, while I was in the building by myself. I mention I hear something at the end of the clip, which kinda drowns out the "it far" part. I like his optimism.
EVP Male Voice: "Keep the beat going"
Caught in the early morning, upstairs on the 3rd floor at the top of the stairs, while I was in the building by myself. I had just reached the top of the stairs when a toy went off in another room all by itself. I went towards the music and found a little robot playing a tune - I think this is what he was referring too.
EVP Male Voice: "That lady is fucking insane."
Caught upstairs, outside the back entrance to the upper floors. It was just Bette and myself in the building. I'm the one you can hear talking at the beginning - doing a shit job of saying "Hi" in Spanish. At 00:02, a man speaks. I wonder which one of us two ladies he was calling insane?
EVP Female Voice: "Pressure"
Caught in the Ballroom, while it was just Bette and I. I believe this is the same female voice from the "Grab pieces of myself" clip. It happened only minutes after.
EVP Male Voice: "...person"
EVP Female Voice: "Keep out"
Caught at night, upstairs on the 2nd floor, in the hallway beside the rooms that used to be the old bathrooms. These rooms have always freaked me out the most. I personally believe that people can be physically manipulated in these rooms by spirit. It's just a feeling I get. The first voice happens right away. It's very quiet and I think it's saying, "You're a neat person"? . At 00:04, the female voice can be heard saying, "keep out".
DEV Female Voice: "We're close"
Caught in the Ballroom, while it was just Bette and I. I was the only one of us who heard this voice in real time, you can hear me react to it, at the end of the clip.